Indoor activities for babies up to three months :
An activity:
Immediately following the birth of a baby , however, have no vision as advanced as an adult. The view is over 30 times less efficient than the average adult. As in every way, the sight of a baby see maximum improvement When the eyes are fully exercised.
In this exercise , our goals are
United Nations. Refined hand-eye coordination .
b . Capture and reflex exercises
c . Muscle coordination.
For these exercises should be three kinds of hand bells . Every baby loves his rattle. When used in a variety of colors, shapes and sizes of bells is more interesting for a child. Get the visual attention of the child moving the rattle a short distance. It is important to remember that the eye of a baby better focus on 8-10 inches. Once the eyes of the child is attached to the noise could slowly move from one side of the baby's head to another. As the baby grab rattle develops hand-eye coordination and other objectives as well.
After completing the exercise , once you can do more interesting things with different rattle. Sour Make the child is rewarded with words of encouragement when he or she finally grasps the rattle. Remember that the bay can not see their facial expressions within 8-10 inches.
Activity 2:
Communication is an important part of the life of a child, and the child begins to communicate with grunts and smiles at the start, and the transition to higher forms with each passing week . The closest models of communication as to the child's .
Our goal in this exercise is
United Nations. Development of hearing
b . The practical implementation of communication
I need a rocking chair for this exercise.
Get in the swing with her baby in her arms, and make sure you are facing a door or window. Make sure you and your baby safe both facing the same direction , perhaps in search of your porch or in the yard. Start talking to your children what you see outside . Discussion on the tree if you see one, mentions the word " bird " here if you are tweeting . Mention the dog or leak, and so on .
Doing this on a schedule which will teach your child the names of things around you, and to foster communication . The rocking chair is great , casual Because the child while you are facing the same opinion as him.
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